The chicken babies are all doing very well, now that they are safely ensconced in the ‘bedroom’ of the Chicken Palace.
Teeny hatched a fourth chick, so we have five chicken babies and their two mothers down there.

Each time I go down to feed the other chickens, the babies shout at me through the mesh window. They have learned that I will give them fresh weeds, feed and water, but they like to make sure I have not forgotten them.

It is hard to make out the tiny, coral-coloured combs on the four younger chicks, but they are coming along nicely, just a week or so behind Tiny’s baby.
I took a couple of photos and a little piece of video, so you can share the fun of seeing them growing up.
Try the link above if the arrow on the picture doesn’t work (It takes a litlte while on my system, so patience may be a virtue!)